Home News Roger Stone Comes Under Fire for Assassination Threats Against Democratic Reps

Roger Stone Comes Under Fire for Assassination Threats Against Democratic Reps

Source: Jessedittmar/Instagram
Roger Stone
Source: Jessedittmar/Instagram

Many of Trump’s allies, from Mike Lindell to Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, have found themselves in hot water for their loyalty to the ex-president. Roger Stone, a right-wing activist, has now joined the list for an alleged death threat to two Democratic reps — Jerry Nadler and Eric Swalwell.

According to reports, Stone and Sal Greco, a former NYPD officer, had a conversation about assassinating the New York and California democratic reps. In the recording that Mediaite published, Stone told Greco, “It’s time to do it,” only a few weeks before the 2020 election.

“Let’s go find Swalwell. It’s time to do it. Then we’ll see how brave the rest of them are. It’s time to do it. It’s either Swalwell or Nadler has to die before the election. They need to get the message. Let’s go find Swalwell and get this over with. I’m just not putting up with this shit anymore,” the rest of the tape said.

Stone has denied ever making such a statement and has called the recording “poorly fabricated AI.” He said that political enemies were after him “all because I’m loyal to Trump.” David Schoen’s lawyer said two experts were looking at the recording.

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“It’s a 92% chance or higher that it’s AI-generated. I’m sure that if he said it, that he didn’t mean literally those words. He doesn’t speak that way. He’s got zero history of violence, ever. I know him pretty well, and I think it’s an absolutely crazy charge,” Schoen said.

Instead of commenting on the veracity of the tape, Greco told Mediaite, “Don’t think your reader is interested in ancient political fodder.” The FBI is assisting the Capitol Police to investigate the remarks.

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Meanwhile, Swalwell told Scripps News that he wants the authorities to take the threats very seriously. “I know (the) aim (of the threat) is to not just threaten and in this case take a specific action, but its aim is to silence Donald Trump’s critics,” he said. 

“The Roger Stone assassination plot recording may seem like the ravings of a wannabe gangster.  It’s not. This is what Trump and his real-life thugs do: they try to intimidate opponents and will always choose violence over voting. Because I’m one of Trump’s loudest critics, Stone put a hit out on me. This threat, and other threats of violence by Trump and his supporters, must be taken seriously by not only law enforcement but also by my colleagues. Both parties, not just Democrats, must condemn this violence. Unity will always be the best antidote against further violence,” Swalwell’s statement to Mediaite says.

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In 2019, a federal court convicted Stone of obstruction of a congressional investigation, false statements, and witness tampering. However, Donald Trump commuted his jail term completely even though the Department of Justice helped to reduce his sentence. Trump also went ahead to grant him a pardon.

Meanwhile, Swalwell and Nadler were some of Trump’s prominent opponents during his tenure as the 45th president of the United States. As the House Judiciary Committee’s Chair in 2020, Nadler promised to investigate the reason behind the commutation. If found to be real, this may prove the motive behind Stone’s alleged threats.

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