Home General Kansas Proud Boys Member Bags 55-Month Sentence for Threatening an Officer

Kansas Proud Boys Member Bags 55-Month Sentence for Threatening an Officer

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Capitol riot scene
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William Chrestman used to be a proud member of the Proud Boys. Now, he will have a long time to think about how far that pride has gotten him while he cools off behind bars. 

The Proud Boys member is probably no longer feeling as proud of his actions in the face of their consequences. Those actions, which include threatening a federal officer while carrying an ax handle, have attracted a 55-month federal prison sentence.

This means Chrestman, 51, must spend another 20 months in prison. Then, when he finally gets out, he has to endure 36 months of supervision. This is after spending the past 35 months in federal lockup awaiting trial and sentencing.

Chrestman must also pay $2,000 in restitution for contributing to nearly $3 million in damages to the Capitol. He pleaded guilty to felony charges of obstructing an official proceeding and threatening a federal officer on October 16, 2023. 

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According to court records, Chrestman, a member of the Kansas City chapter of the Proud Boys, made plans with other supporters of Donald Trump to travel to Washington. And they only had one mission. To protest certification of the Electoral College’s January 6 vote to make Joe Biden president.

Chrestman resided at a rented home in Arlington, Va., with other members of the group. Then, they met with a larger group near the Washington Monument on January 6. He wore a tactical vest with a gas mask attached and tactical gloves. He was also carrying an ax handle with a flag affixed to it.

Ready as they could be, Chrestman and a large group of Proud Boys members then marched up a street to the west side of the Capitol’s grounds. There they joined a crowd in breaching barricades around 1 p.m. 

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Chrestman positioned himself at the front of the breach, urging others to push forward past the barricade. He unlawfully remained on the Capital grounds for over an hour. He stood next to a line of Capitol Police officers attempting to maintain the perimeter while officers positioned behind them fired pepper balls at specific protestors. 

The 51-year-old threatened the officers. While gesturing with the ax handle, he said he would take them out if they kept firing at protestors. According to prosecutors, Chrestman and other Proud Boys members entered the Capitol building via the Senate wing door at about 2:25.

They moved about until they ran into an internal barrier, which Chrestman helped to pry open with the ax handle that he carried. The group then continued to the Capitol’s visitor center, where Chrestman stopped police officers from arresting a rioter and helped block the deployment of barriers within the Capitol.

ALSO READ: Authorities Arrest Montana Fire Chief in Connection to January 6 Capitol Riot

“We had the cops running,” and they “were legitimately scared,” were reportedly Chrestman’s words that day. Little did he know that his seemingly patriotic actions that day would end with him doing time. But that’s life. People rarely see it coming. 

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