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HomeGeneralEverything We Know About the New Draft Bill and What It Means...

Everything We Know About the New Draft Bill and What It Means for You

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H.R. 8070, also known as the National Defense Authorization Act 2025, was enacted by the US House of Reps on June 14, 2024. 

A US Military Officer in full gear

Due to the yearly financial demands placed on the nation’s military, Parliament must annually adopt an amended version of the legislation.

Novel Bill Component

Still, a lot of web users were drawn to a specific feature of the bill’s planned iteration. 

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U.S. Military
Source: Pinterest

Under the new proposal, every man in the bill’s compulsory drafting enrollment for the Selective Service System who are within the years of 18 and 26 are going to be involved.

Statutory Language

The legislation stipulates that the head of the Selective Service System will automatically enroll all men resident in the country who are within the years of 18 and 26 pursuant to the terms of this Act, unless otherwise provided in this title.

The military
Source: Pinterest

Nevertheless, comments on the internet indicate that a lot of people are unclear concerning the specific effects associated with this law.

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Drafting Process

Any person that was created male and has reached around the age range of 18 and 26 is eligible to join in the draft, per existing U.S. regulations. After 26, you are not eligible to be drafted.

U.S. Military Helicopter
Source: CBSNewsTexas/X

During the Vietnam War, the United States armed forces has not signed anyone up for service in the army, or conscripted anyone; nevertheless, in the remote possibility that the selection is brought back, the country will require an inventory of all eligible citizens to determine who would be summoned up for duty. 

Selective Service System

All men who are capable of active duty within the age range of 18 and 25 are supposedly on the list in question, which is maintained by the Selective duty System. By registering for the draft, you add your name to the nation’s register.

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Source: Pinterest

The selection process was most likely not intended to be used anymore when the armed forces legally became a volunteer-only organization in 1973.

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Urgent Procedure

In the United States, the Selective Service System and the proposed list have been regularly kept up to date since the 1970s as a measure of security.

A picture of some U.S. Militants
Source: DeptofDefense/X

There are benefits to signing up to participate in the draft, even if there hasn’t been any punishment for not signing up since the 1980s. 

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Draft Benefits

Both the Thurmond Amendment along with the Solomon Amendment require that a qualified applicant enroll for the current draft for the purpose to be qualified for school financing or government-level employment.

The USS Carney.
Source: Pinterest

Considering how many regions instantly enroll men for the draft upon their application to obtain a driver’s permit, the bill’s clause might be seen as an attempt to expedite the process of registering by automation nationally instead of depending upon state-by-state automation.

Legal Advancement

Before a bill becomes law, it needs to be passed by the president as well as the US House of Congress with an overwhelming vote in each chamber. 

A picture of congress
Source: Pinterest

One of them had already happened because of H.R. 8070, though, which hadn’t been anticipated to go much farther.

Congress Approval

Numerous revisions in the law that were passed via the Republican-led Congress would probably make it unpassable in the Democratic-led House. 

U.S Senate
Source: C-SPAN/YouTube

These modifications prohibited funding for gender-inclusive medical services and abortion via the armed forces medical system, as well as reducing safeguards against global warming and eliminating diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

An Alternative Proposal

Politico reported that while the Senate Military Panel favored an alternative version of this legislation, it remained unclear whether the full chamber would vote on it.

Russian army
Source: Pinterest

Women are also considered qualified for the draft according to this plan, per a few people who made a distinct but similar allegation via the web.

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Women Recruiting

The idea of female selection has been kicking about for a while. Not expected to be signed into legislation in the near future, though the House’s version of the measure includes a requirement for women to sign up to participate in the draft. 

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The notion of compelling women to sign up for the armed forces has previously been floated in the upper chamber on multiple occasions in the last 10 years, but neither the law nor the concept itself ever gained traction in the courtroom.

Bill’s Overview

Rep. Mike Rogers, a member of the GOP from Alabama’s 3rd District, spearheaded the legislation.

Source: Tompkins County Republicans/Facebook

Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Rogers has served in the Congress from 2002. It will be necessary to make significant changes in order to win over Democrats on this legislation before it can proceed.

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