Following the release of “Moana 2,” eight years after the release of its first installment in 2016, we delve into the audience review. In November 2024, Auli’i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson returned to the big screen as their beloved cartoon characters on Polynesian waters. The second installment is set three years after the events of the first Moana movie.
The movie focuses on Moana as she attempts to uncover a forgotten island named Motufetū, per her way-finding ancestors’ instructions. As a result of this task, Moana is made to venture even farther out into the ocean. In this new saga, Moana enlists the help of some new characters, such as Loto, Moni, and Kele. Well, here’s what the viewers think about “Moana 2.”
Moana 2 Reviews: What Does the Audience Think?
Following the release of the second installment of “Moana,” the audience reviews have been somewhat mixed. Although the audience believes “Moana 2″ isn’t as innovative as the first, it is still a vibrant movie. According to some reviews, “Moana 2 is an adventure story that rides high on a wave of gorgeous animation even when its plot falters.”
Most reviews expressed high hopes for the movie, given the success of the first installment. Consequently, most viewers felt their expectations were met, although they felt it was a repetition of the first movie. According to the reviews, “Moana 2 opens with a welcoming treat of bright, colorful, and beautiful visuals.”
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An excellent example of the amazing visual is how the production crew worked to animate the ocean to near perfection. So, for interested parties to fully enjoy the maximum immersion of “Moana 2,” it is advisable to view it on the big screen. Another sound point in the reviews is the choice of the songs and the songwriters.
In the first installment, Grammy-winning songwriter Lin Manuel-Miranda wrote songs such as “How Far I’ll Go” and “You’re Welcome.” However, for the second installment, Disney enlisted Grammy winners Emily Bear and Abigail Barlow, known for their 2021 Unofficial “Bridgerton” album.
Who Is the Bad Guy in “Moana 2?”
“Moana 2” introduces a new and formidable villain, Nalo, a demigod who is supposed to be the “Moana” franchise’s main antagonist. According to the movie trailer, we were given a first glimpse at the sequel’s primary villain, Matangi, who was voiced by Awhimai Fraser. In the first glimpse, her terrifying appearance was displayed as she stood beside Moana.
The trailer also teased an epic battle between Matangi and Maui, with the former winning over the shapeshifting and hook-wielding demigod. However, upon seeing “Moana 2,” we discover that Matangi was the story mastermind or main. Instead, we discover that she serves a far more powerful and terrifying overarching villain in the background, Nalo.
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Moana 2’s Performance According to Rotten Tomatoes?
According to Rotten Tomatoes, “Moana 2” scored a 67 percent critic score, which is significantly less than “Moana” (2016) with 95 percent. With a total of 113 reviews on Tomatometer, “Moana 2” scores 67% and 88% on Popcornmeter, with over 500 verified ratings.
According to Rotten Tomatoes Critics Consensus, “Riding high on a wave of stunning animation even when its story runs adrift, Moana 2 isn’t as inspired as the original but still delights as a colorful adventure.”
According to a review by Lupe Rodriguez Haas on Rotten Tomatoes, she says, “The sequel recaptures much of the charm of the original but falters when it comes to its musical numbers. Without Lin-Manuel Miranda’s signature touch, the soundtrack lacks the memorable magic that made the first film’s songs so iconic.”
Is “Moana 2” Woke?
One question many parents and interested parties have been asking is whether “Moana 2” is too woke. The answer is no, as the plot of the second installment of the seafaring adventure is similar to the first. “Moana 2” follows Moana‘s journey to Motufetū, a lost island guided by her ancestors’ instructions. As a result of this assignment, Moana is forced to travel even further into the ocean.
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In this new story, Moana enlists the assistance of some new characters, including shipbuilding expert Loto, portrayed by Rose Matafeo. The other characters are tapestry and history specialist Moni, voiced by Hualā Chung, and farmer Kele, voiced by David Fane.
Coming alongside Moana on a new maritime journey are Heihei, the clumsy chicken, and Pua, the pig. On her journey to save her island, Moana soon reunites with the demigod Maui. During her journey, she battles her strong sense of adventure with her responsibility to her family and the island.
She worries that she might not return to her younger sister, Simea, who is voiced by Khaleesi Lambert-Tsuda. In the movie, Simea and the island kids have grown to see Moana as their hero. So far, the “Moana 2” reviews have been great and fans have named it a great family Thanksgiving watch.
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