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HomeNewsMassachusetts Democrats Face Pushback From Black Gun Owners Over Gun Rights Restrictions

Massachusetts Democrats Face Pushback From Black Gun Owners Over Gun Rights Restrictions

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Massachusetts Democrats Face Pushback From Black Gun Owners Over Gun Rights Restrictions
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Massachusetts has passed into law a measure that will help checkmate the use of illegal firearms, trace unregistered & unlicensed ones, and reduce the violent use of these weapons.

The law, which was approved by a poll of 120 to 38, will ultimately make it illegal for anyone to enter an individual residence with a firearm and mandate that all important parts of the firearm be documented with the authorities.

According to Massachusetts Democratic House Speaker Ronald Mariano, the 125-page law is important because it responds to the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision that guaranteed residents the right to have firearms in public for safety against violent attacks.

The new legislation would make it illegal to shoot at or carry weapons when drunk. Additionally, it would prohibit the carrying of firearms in government facilities, voting booths, and schools.

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ALSO READ: Some State Laws for Carrying Firearms in Public

The act will outlaw the ownership of trigger activators and Glock switches, among other gadgets that turn semiautomatic weapons into completely automated weapons.

Additionally, it would mandate that firearm merchants undergo scrutiny every year and give the Massachusetts State Police the right to do so in the event that a local licensing body is unable to.

Additional provisions of the law will prohibit the possession of weapons in governmental facilities and mandate that courts order the submission of weapons from harassers that represent an urgent danger.  

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Prohibit the promotion of illegal weapons purchases to youngsters and establish penalties for shooting a firearm at a residence on purpose. The CEO of the Massachusetts Coalition to Avoid Firearm Assault, Ruth Zakarin, stated that no one regulation will be able to stop firearm crime.

POLL—Do You Support Stricter Gun Control Laws and Assault Weapon Bans?

She remarked, I value that the Senate is approaching this very complex issue thoroughly, just like the House is. The Senate’s measure addresses many significant issues that, when taken as a whole, will contribute to the protection of our neighborhoods.

The Massachusetts House passed its firearm legislation in October to enforce stricter firearm regulations, combat unknown firearms, and bolstering the state’s prohibition on specific firearms.

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A bill intended to prohibit carrying a gun without authorization, mandate serial numbering and licensing of essential parts, and forbid the use of firearms in government buildings, polling sites, and schools. 

ALSO READ: Judge Halts California Law Poised to Ban Residents From Carrying Concealed Firearms in Public Places

There are important changes between the House and Senate variants of the measure, and these discrepancies require a separate public debate. 

Governor Maura Healey would need to sign a single agreement resolution incorporating the House and Senate variations. Although Massachusetts has the lowest rate of gun assault in the country, nevertheless the results of 255 fatal shootings and 557 wounded per year should be curtailed. 

The record shows Black youngsters are eight times more likely to lose their lives to firearms than their White counterparts.

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