Time travel is a fascinating concept. We would know. There are tons of movies about it, all with different theories as to how it is made possible. In those movies, the regular folks always found it difficult to believe it was real, and they would doubt everything the traveler said.
Those movie scripts were not far off in accurately describing how humans would react to it because in 2018, a man called “Noah” came forward, claiming he was from the future. Naturally, nobody believed him, but then he took a lie detector test and passed flawlessly, causing some to pay attention. It is now 2024, and some things he predicted back then that seemed outrageous have come to pass, lending more credibility to his time travel claim.
What He Said About AI

According to Noah, who allegedly came from the year 2030, artificial intelligence had become a norm and was commonly used in many technological industries. He claimed that driverless cars were mainstream and AI played a significant role in many medical breakthroughs. Those claims are not far off the mark as already in 2023 and 2024, the use case for AI is rapidly evolving across industries.
Noah on Space Travel

The alleged time traveler also predicted back then that private travel to Mars would become possible within ten years. While there has been much progress between NASA and SpaceX concerning space travel, there are barely any signs that they have facilities that will allow people to live or visit Mars. This is one reason many critics think he is delusional.
What He Said About Schooling

Noah’s prediction concerning education is quite interesting. According to him, in the future, homeschooling will replace conventional learning. Those who believe him can see how this happens amid technological advancements pushing more people to accomplish things without the need to leave their homes.
There’ll Be “Flying” Cities

One very outrageous claim Noah made was that by the year 2030, “flying cities” would become possible. He said they would be entirely powered by renewable energy, like wind and solar. He said they would be utopias with the ability to produce their own food and water resources, a claim many find hard to believe.
EVs in the Future

Noah’s predictions about electric vehicles are one of the reasons people think he might be the real deal. He said they would go mainstream, and already, companies like Tesla have become famous for producing electric vehicles that reduce humanity’s dependence on fossil fuels. However, the products have yet to go mainstream.
His Predictions About Lifespans

According to Noah, people in 2030 will live up to 300 years, more than three times the current average lifespan of people living in the US. It seems far-fetched, but the average lifespan in the country is constantly growing, and scientists have been studying people who live to be 100 years or older, which may lead to increased life expectancies.
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What He Said About Trump

Noah’s predictions put Trump, one of the most controversial figures in US politics, back in the White House. The former president has become a convicted man but remains a strong contender in this year’s presidential race as he squares off against the current President, Joe Biden.
What Noah Said About Meat

Not many people currently believe in going vegan, but according to Noah’s predictions, by 2030, the world will turn to vegetarianism to focus more on sustainability. Also, he said meat alternatives would be cheaper than meat, pushing many to opt for them instead.
What We Know About This “Time Traveler”

Noah’s identity has been kept hidden, which adds another layer of mysticism and uncertainty to the situation. He has expressly stated that he is not an angel, nor is he Satan in the flesh, just a time traveler from 2030. He boasted of knowing what the future holds and even claimed to understand why “there is an apparent lack of smart people on Earth.”
Noah and the Polygraph Test

One of the reasons some believe Noah may actually be a time traveler is that he passed a polygraph test in the past. However, many are still doubtful; after all, a polygraph only concludes if someone is lying or not. And rather than confirming beyond reasonable doubt that he is not just some deluded person, the test may be proof that he completely believes everything he’s been saying.
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Some of Noah’s seemingly outrageous predictions have indeed happened, and now the world is waiting to see if more will come to pass. There are those who hope these predictions come true, as most of them indicate that the world is headed toward a more sustainable future. But only time will tell.
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