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HomeGeneralLas Vegas Locals Complain That New Residents Are Ruining the City

Las Vegas Locals Complain That New Residents Are Ruining the City

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A picture of Las Vegas
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Change, even though good and well-meaning, can also be difficult for the people affected. In an interview, a tourist town resident expressed their concern about the continued influx of visitors.

As people flock to Las Vegas for events like the Super Bowl and the Formula Grand Prix, the city attempts to create a lasting memory for them. However, the attempt to welcome tourists has resulted in some unforeseen problems for the town residents. As a result, the cost of living increased, leaving locals unable to survive in their community.

According to locals, although the influx of tourists has benefited the economy, they would appreciate the town turning its attention to them. In an interview, Kristin Downing, a former local, said she would love it if the city made them a priority once more.

According to Las Vegas residents, the city’s iconic strip has lost its appeal as a result of the endless stream of tourists. They claimed that rather than tourists going to the iconic location, they chose to visit casinos and hotels.

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In December 2023, the Nevada Gaming Control Board announced that casinos made $900 million in that month alone. The announcement was historic, as it was the first time such figures were made in a single month. Another resident, Adam Flowers, said the city is now a gambling den.

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Some other residents believe they are losing their appeal for the city as developers only focus on building bigger hotels and casinos. However, as the focus is on its tourist location, it seems to be abandoning programs and activities intended for its residents only.

According to Jaqueline Cooper, a local, the city is no longer interesting to its residents unless there is an event. Downing said that she misses being able to go to a pool and swim.

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Another reason why residents believe that the city is no longer catering to its citizens is the ever-rising cost. People relocating from California and other nearby states of affordable housing tend toward Nevada. Consequently, housing stress has adversely affected housing costs, among other things.

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Taking Clark County into consideration, over the past two decades, the county has seen its population double. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that there were a total of 1.349 million people in 2000. However, in 2022, it was recorded that 2.323 million people resided in the county.

According to reports, rent in Las Vegas has now increased by 35% since December 2019. In 2024, the average cost of a single-family home will be $821,000, while that of a condo or townhouse is $335,000. 

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In January 2023, there were at least 6,566 homeless people in Southern Nevada. Nonetheless, Nevada’s market for luxury real estate is rising as the number of homeless people in Las Vegas rises.

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Mark Wahlberg and other wealthy Californians, are moving to the region in large numbers due to their exhaustion with crime and the introduction of a new mansion tax. Trading in their properties with views of the Pacific to those with views of the Mojave Desert, revitalizing the high-end real estate market.

In 2023, around 17,000 California drivers turned in their licenses to the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles.

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