Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Goldie Hawn May Have Met the Real ET

Goldie Hawn May Have Met the Real ET
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Goldie Hawn May Have Met the Real ET

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People who believe in aliens are usually dubbed conspiracy theorists. Goldie Hawn is far from being one, but she also claims to have met actual aliens.

She Shared Her Experience on an Episode of "Time to Walk"

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Goldie Hawn was kind enough to share her experience with these extra-terrestrial beings on an episode of Apple Fitness’s “Time to Walk.”
She revealed the extra-terrestrial experience that happened to her as a young lady and claimed it wasn’t her only encounter with something unnatural. 

The Encounter 

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In the early 1960s, before securing fame as an actress, Hawn was a dancer. She was in West Covina with other dancers rehearsing when she decided to take a break by napping in a friend’s car. 
Hawn was resting in the car when she was startled awake by a “high-pitched sound” ringing in her ear. Her encounter had started. 

In Her Words 

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Hawn has recalled what happened that day in the car. She said, “I looked out the window and saw these two or three triangular-shaped heads. They were silver in color, slash for a mouth, tiny little nose, no ears.” 
“They were pointing at me, pointing at me in the car as if they were discussing me like I was a subject. And they were droning.” 

It All Took a Moment

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While she was being discussed by the three entities she’d seen, Hawn claimed to have felt like she was “paralyzed.” 
According to her, it was only after the moment had passed that she could snap out of it. She rejoined her colleagues that day and breathed about making contact with outer space. But not many took her seriously. 

Hawn Chalked It Up to Vivid Dreaming 

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After that first encounter, Goldie Hawn had no words to explain what she had experienced, so she considered it a dream. 
However, she did some reading and realized that she was not alone. There were others like her out there who had experienced something similar. Which meant it was not simply a dream.

She Recalled a Big Part of the Ordeal at a Virtual Lab 

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Her dreamy experience that day never left her. However, life moved on, and it quickly became a peculiar memory.
That changed some years later when she visited the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. As an astrophysicist gave her a tour of the Milky Way in their virtual lab, her peculiar memory was reignited within her. 

What Hawn Recalled 

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Goldie Hawn would get emotional during the tour, and eventually, their conversation turned to aliens. As they discussed, she was reminded of an important detail from her previous encounter.
She said: “They touched my face. They touched my face, and it felt like the finger of God. It was the most benevolent, loving feeling. This was powerful. It was filled with light.”

Hawn Had More Unnatural Experiences

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Several years after her meeting with the astrophysicist, Hawn was in Avebury in London with a friend when another strange occurrence happened. 
She dreamt one night that she was overlooking a dark valley when six strange lights glinted above a mountain close to her. Shortly after she had the dream, Hawn and her friend drove to a very similar place. 

Hawn Recognized the Place From Her Dream

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The actress said: “We got to the spot, and, by God, I was standing on this hill, looking down over a valley that was dark. That was exactly the spot in my dream and a crop circle of just a heart.” 
Seeing the crop circle was strange, but what made it even more bizarre was that it was shaped like a heart. Goldie Hawn, who has always loved hearts, took it as a sign. 

Hawn Still Doesn't Understand What the Signs Mean

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Hawn has confessed she does not know what her dream meant or what the encounter was indeed about. However, she’s okay with being ignorant. 
She said: “I’ll never know. And I kind of like it that way. I don’t want to know everything. We cut ourselves off from a lot of things if we’re continuing to deny something that we have no proof over. There’s a lot of things in this world that we can’t see, but we can’t stop believing.”

Hawn is Not the Only One in the Family to Have Had Such an Encounter

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Kurt Russell, Hawn’s longtime partner, has also claimed he experienced a close encounter with aliens. 
His case happened in 1997 while he was flying his own private plane in Arizona. According to him, he saw six mysterious lights in the sky that day, but so did many other people. 

He Was the Only General Aviation Pilot That Reported It

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According to Russell, he found out years later that he had witnessed a UFO sighting thanks to a television show Hawn was watching about UFOs. 
The show discussed the same lights and revealed it was a mass UFO sighting that is now dubbed the Phoenix Lights. Thanks to the show, Russell realized he was one of the thousands who reported the sighting to the authorities.

He said: “On the show, they talk about 20,000 people reporting it and only one general aviation pilot, and I said, ‘That’s me!'”

What do you think about Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s encounters? Do you think they were really aliens?