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Florida Public School Employee Faces Disciplinary Investigation After Allowing Trans Daughter to Play Girls Volleyball 

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A mother has come forward with claims that a school district investigation has ruined her trans daughter’s life. The mother also happens to be a staff at a Florida public school.

She may be dismissed for allowing her transgender daughter to play girl’s volleyball despite knowing it is a clear violation of Florida’s 2021 Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.

An Anonymous Tip

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After someone tipped a Broward County school board member off about a transgender student playing girl’s volleyball, an investigation headed by the school district overseeing Monarch High School in Fort Lauderdale began in earnest to uncover the truth. The tip revealed that the transgender student was aged 16 and was competing against other girls on the varsity volleyball team, an apparent violation of Florida state law.

The Violated Law 

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The Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which was approved in 2021 in Florida, was the Florida state law that was violated by transgender girls’ participation in female sports. The law states that those listed as biologically male on their birth certificate are not allowed to participate in female sports competitions. The state’s governor, Ron DeSantis, justified the law’s passing as an attempt to protect the equal opportunities women have been enjoying in athletics and called it “common sense.” 

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A Looming Dismissal 

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Jessica Norton is the proud mother of the transgender student and also happens to work at Monarch High School, which is under investigation. While the investigation continues, Norton has been reassigned to a non-school site where she awaits the outcome of the investigation, which could lead to her dismissal. 

A Delayed Vote 

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A vote scheduled by Superintendent Howard Hepburn recommended that Norton should be let go and was to be held this week. However, it has been postponed by at least a month. Another recommendation suggested that the more suitable punishment for Norton would be a ten-day suspension, but the Superintendent overruled it. 

Norton’s Public Comments 

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According to Norton, the investigation into the matter, which kicked off last November, has ruined her daughter’s life and caused her to switch to online schooling rather than the conventional education other kids enjoy. She claims that it has stolen life from her daughter’s eyes and destroyed her plans for the future, which included speaking at graduation and attending college. 

Support From the Community 

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Norton thanked those who have expressed support by defending her and her daughter’s story in December. According to her, the community’s open display of love and tolerance has been a beacon of hope for her family, and they are grateful for it. 

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A Predetermined Outcome 

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The Human Rights Campaign is representing Norton, and according to Jason Star, the Campaign’s Litigation Strategist, the investigation has violated Norton’s due process rights. Apparently, the school district has not been able to clearly state what she did wrong that warranted an investigation, violating her due process rights. Despite all that, Norton has been entirely cooperative. Still, Star says the actions from the investigation panel and the school district have shown that the whole affair already has “a predetermined outcome.”

A Controversial Subject

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Whether transgender children should participate in sports is now a divisive political issue in the country. Currently, there are at least 24 states with laws that restrict the participation of transgender women and girls in female sports. Those against the idea claim that transgender girls who used to be biological males have an unfair advantage over biological female athletes, and allowing them to compete on the same field of play throws the idea of equal opportunities in sports out the window. 

Students Protested

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Aside from Norton and her daughter, other administrators were sanctioned because of the investigation’s findings. These include Monarch’s Principal, James Cecil, and three other administrators, all of whom were reassigned until a wave of student protests forced the school executives to reinstate them.

A Controversial Lawsuit

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The matter has Escalated into a federal lawsuit with Norton as the plaintiff. It seeks to stop the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act from affecting transgender students in the state, effectively rendering it useless. Reports claim her daughter started taking puberty blockers at 11 and currently takes estrogen but has not had any gender-affirming surgery.

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A Liberal Political Environment

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Monarch High School is located in Broward County, an area recognized as one of Florida’s most politically liberal areas. This liberalism is linked to the fact that there are twice as many Democrats as Republicans in the county, a rare occurrence in the decidedly red state. Broward County is home to a rather large LGTBQ community and is the fifth-largest school district in the nation. 

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