By using radiocarbon dating, scientists solve mysteries surrounding ancient city that was mentioned in the bible.
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Kid Rock called out popular beer company, Bud Light, for sending a personalized case of beer to a transgender TikTok influencer.
The common narrative is that the Earth is experiencing a climate crisis due to human activity. However, this Nobel Prize winner begs to differ.
The statistics states that the economy is in a good state but the economic reality is that the Americans are facing inflation.
A bill that reduces Pete Buttigieg’s tax-payer funded salary has just been passed. He is under fire… again.
The long hand of justice has finally reached the men who stole an 18-carat golden toilet from a palace in southern England.
The 9/11 attacks happened over two decades ago but there are still some questions surrounding the incident and government’s involvement.
Mackenzie Scott is on a mission to help California battle its unaffordable housing problems, one donation at a time.
Researchers found shocking mysteries at Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe in southeast Turkey. These findings are rewriting history.
Today’s younger generation have no idea how Saturday morning cartoons was a culture. ABC, CBS, and NBC were a great part of this culture.