Home General Case Kicking Against Obamacare Mandate Goes to Federal Appeals Court

Case Kicking Against Obamacare Mandate Goes to Federal Appeals Court

Source: CNN/X

With access that millions of Americans have to preventive care at stake, many are kicking against the latest challenge to Obamacare. On Monday, March 4, 2024, a conservative federal appeals court picked apart how the Biden administration has tried to maneuver around the significant challenge to Obamacare.

A picture of the Appeals Court where the case against Obamacare was filed
Source: CNN/X

According to court documents, the case concerns the Affordable Care Act provision that mandates insurers cover preventive care services. These services include screenings for certain cancers and HIV-prevention drugs at no cost to patients. 

However, the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals reviews a district judge’s ruling that wiped away that requirement. The verdict, on hold while the appeal plays out, removed the requirement for certain preventive services. According to reports, the 40-minute hearing didn’t focus on the legal claim that started the case. 

Instead, the appeals court dug into the Biden administration’s actions after the plaintiffs filed the lawsuit. Hence, the court tried to neutralize the challengers’ arguments. Also, panel members showed skepticism toward the Justice Department’s assertions.

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Before the hearing, the DOJ argued that the lower court acted inappropriately by applying its ruling nationwide. The Department claimed the court should have applied its ruling to the individuals and businesses in Texas that brought the lawsuit. However, the panel disagreed.

“You wouldn’t just vacate these things for people in Texas or just for the plaintiffs,” Circuit Judge Cory Wilson said. “If they’re invalid, they’re invalid.” Similarly, Circuit Judge Don Willett disagreed with the DOJ’s argument. Willett suggested that the lower court’s nationwide move was the “default” approach in such a case. 

Also, he pressed the Department to explain why the appeals court should deviate from that nationwide approach. Willet and Wilson, both appointees of former President Donald Trump, showed hostility towards the Affordable Care Act.

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The two Trump supporters spoke against the Act before they joined the federal bench. However, Circuit Judge Irma Carrillo Ramirez, an appointee of President Joe Biden, joined them on the panel. The three will weigh whether to uphold the ruling, partially invalidating the mandate.

Furthermore, they will decide whether to strike down additional coverage requirements targeted by the challengers. These include no-cost vaccine coverage and certain preventive health services for women and children.

The case, called Braidwood v. Becerra, is the latest significant challenge to the Affordable Care Act. However, it does not pose the existential threat to the landmark law that previous lawsuits did. A prior suit that challenged the law’s validity also emerged from Texas. 

The suit moved through the 5th Circuit before the Supreme Court shut it down in 2021. In the case before the 5th Circuit, the Biden administration asks the appeals court to reverse a ruling by US District Judge Reed O’Connor.

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The ruling jeopardizes access to no-cost coverage for screenings for certain cancers and HIV-prevention drugs, among other services. If allowed to take effect, O’Connor’s ruling would end the mandates for cost-free coverage of preventive care services. 

The US Preventive Services Task Force recommended these preventive care services after Obamacare’s March 2010 enactment. Hence, many are against the district judge’s decision. “These are preventative service provisions that are critical and life-saving to millions of Americans,” Justice Department attorney Daniel Aguilar said.

Furthermore, Aguilar called the wide reach of O’Connor’s ruling “unwarranted and unjustified.” While the lawsuit is still on, Americans dread the outcome. If the 5th Circuit upholds O’Connor’s ruling, it could make important preventive screenings harder for Americans. Also, it could limit services aimed at early detection of diseases.

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