One thing most outdoor hikers or wannabe hikers tend to be afraid of the most is a bear attack. For most people, in situations where you run into a bear and the bear is aware of your presence, the solution is very limited.
Instead of waiting for the bear to attack, this article hopes to give insight into how to navigate a bear attack. Or at least prevent yourself from becoming a hashtag or social media story.
How To Safely Navigate a Bear Attack
In late September 2021, Beth Pratt had gone on a hike in Yellowstone National Park when she ran into a grizzly bear. The incident occurred on the Old Gardiner Road Trail, where the bear had occupied itself by eating flowers.
Pratt said, “I stopped. It stood on its hind legs and looked at me. I knew that wasn’t a threatening gesture. I’m not kidding; it waved its paw at me as if to say, ‘Just go on your way,’ and went back to eating.”
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After the altercation, Pratt said, she slowly walked away, putting some distance between them. Pratt works as California’s regional executive director for the National Wildlife Federation. Given her history of working in Yellowstone and living on the border of Yosemite National Park, she has encountered bears on multiple occasions.
According to Pratt, the best way to ensure your safety from wild bears at all times is to actively avoid them. However, in cases where an encounter is unavoidable, avoid direct eye contact and attempt to feed the bear or approach bear cubs.
Additionally, ensure that the distance between yourself and the bear is very large while moving away slowly, sideways if possible. Another method is to ensure that you speak in a low voice, walk with a group, and stay on the designated trails.
According to Pratt, if a bear is standing on its hind legs, it does not constitute an aggressive move. In rare cases of a bear charging at you, avoid running or climbing a tree, as bears are faster and better runners and climbers.
In this situation, the first move is to stand your ground and then try to identify the type of bear. If it is a black bear, the best approach is to make noise while looking as large as possible. However, if it is a grizzly bear, the approach is to play dead.
Do Bear Attacks Hurt?
Although human injury and death caused by bears are uncommon, there are still recorded cases. For most bears, particularly brown bears, attacks are usually sudden and quick, without warning, and with great severity
In these cases, one probably will not feel the attack initially, as the bear will likely render you unconscious in a minute. Given that most bear attacks are sudden, this will result in an excessive adrenaline rush, which will render you unconscious.
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Why Are Bears So Aggressive?
According to Pratt, encounters between bears and humans can be delightful rather than always dangerous. Speaking enthusiastically, Pratt said that seeing a wild bear in its natural habitat is a beautiful thing to behold.
Pratt stated that to adequately navigate a bear encounter, it is important to understand bears and their behavior. While bears typically avoid human encounters, autumn is a particularly bad time to have a bear run-in. This is because bears are in their hyperphagia phase, where they are eating everything to fatten up for hibernation.
On a normal day, a bear who is well-fed and not agitated prefers to keep to themselves and away from people. However, while bears are not territorial animals like wolves and lions, they do possess a critical space. This space refers to an area surrounding them that they may defend when they feel threatened, just like humans.
Additionally, bears are fierce protectors of their cubs and food sources, which include carcasses. Consequently, if they feel that their cubs or food are in danger, they may be forced to lash out.
Given their inquisitive nature, bears examine smells, sounds, and objects to see if they are edible or require more research. When standing on its hind legs, a bear can use its senses of smell, sight, and hearing to gather more information.

What Bear Has Killed the Most Humans?
To ensure wildlife safety and ours, it is important to know which bear is responsible for the most human deaths. Although polar bears are the most dangerous and aggressive, they are not responsible for most human attacks or deaths.
However, this is simply because of geography, as they reside in the Arctic, away from humans and human habitations. The bear responsible for the most human deaths is the grizzly bear, responsible for the deaths of twice as many people as the North American black bear.
Putting it into perspective, the North American black bear is the most common type of bear in North America. However, most grizzly attacks are attributed to mothers protecting their cubs.
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What Is the Strongest Bear in the World?
The strongest bears in the world are grizzly bears, with polar bears coming in a close second. With the combination of leg strength and power, the grizzly bear makes an amazing hunting machine.
However, beyond being physically strong, grizzlies can map up to 800 km2 of territory. Additionally, grizzly bears also create social hierarchies with one another, demonstrating their high level of intelligence.
A fully developed grizzly bear has the strength of five strong individuals and can lift 227 kg with just one paw. Considering all of this, it should come as no surprise to anyone that grizzlies have no natural predators.
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