Sunday, July 7, 2024
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HomeNewsTexas Bishop Criticizing Abbott’s Stance on Immigration Gets Pope Francis’ Support

Texas Bishop Criticizing Abbott’s Stance on Immigration Gets Pope Francis’ Support

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Source: Reddit

Bishop Mark Seitz from El Paso, Texas, who is known for openly criticizing Governor Greg Abbott’s immigration policies, recently expressed his concerns in an interview about the immigration issue. 

He stated that the situation is being exploited for political gratification, and the action is not in accordance with the teachings and views of the Catholic Church and Pope Francis.

Bishop Seitz, who has been serving in the Diocese of El Paso since 2013, recently criticized officials in Texas for their actions at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Which includes the use of razor wire as part of their strategy to bring down illegal migrants without the consent of federal jurisdiction. An action he describes as a brutal way of checkmating people who migrate and could be seen as a part of a broad political plan.

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The clergy also criticized Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas for filing a case against an NGO that he claimed was criminally aiding the illegal crossing of migrants into the state. The bishop also added that the case, when filed, was a plan to bring fear and intimidation to the people of Texas.

In a statement to the National Catholic Reporter, Bishop Mark expressed his deep concern regarding the upcoming Presidential election and the extent to which some candidates are ready to twist situations for migrants for their political satisfaction.

Currently, we have more migrants than we’ve ever had in history. However, if we are in a position to help them, it is not impossible; we just have to decide and make a plan to help, he stated. 

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As the election period is fast approaching, those who identify as Christians who should live and show a difference in behavior have instead allowed themselves to be influenced by political views, making it difficult to differentiate. He said they prioritize their political outlook over their beliefs in the Christian faith. 

Bishop Mark, the chair of the U.S. Bishops Conference Migration Committee (USCCB), was questioned about Pope Francis’s inspiration for him and his diocese and the current immigration situation in the U.S.

According to the bishop, Pope Francis and the Vatican have played a crucial role in addressing this matter. 

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Focusing on the fundamental issues of the time we are and standing up to the various oppositions against the sanity and quality of our society demands great courage, which he stood up for.

Seitz said our relationship had come a long way and has been a great help to my ministry. Dealing with these issues on a regular basis, I see them as a fundamental assignment of the church toward the weak and poor in our midst. With his backing, I can speak about them and do my best.

Although I’m sure that more people will get angry about it, they will also have to contend with the King of Kings also.

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