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HomeNewsOver 800 Officials Sign Criticism of Western Policy Against Gaza

Over 800 Officials Sign Criticism of Western Policy Against Gaza

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A mass burial in Gaza
Source: The National/X

Some 800 officials have decided to bell the cat over the ongoing crisis in Gaza. In an uncensored public letter, several officials and diplomats are suggesting that their countries in the West are complicit in the war crimes of Israel in Gaza. 

The letter says something about there being a “plausible risk that our governments’ policies are contributing to grave violations of international humanitarian law, war crimes, and even ethnic cleansing or genocide.” 

Of the 800 signatories to the letter, about 80 of them are US diplomats and officials. Their rancor over the Gaza crisis is the double standard of the West in checking the military engagement of Israel in Gaza. 

So, the letter is a call for the West to use its political influence to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. According to the letter, the West has run out of excuses for permitting the military activities of Israel since the Hamas attack from four months ago. It is almost like a form of baise and the turning of a deaf ear, without considering the humanitarian implications of the ongoing vendetta in Gaza. 

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Just last week, the International Court of Justice ruled on a case of genocide in Gaza submitted by South Africa. The lawsuit suggests that the Israeli occupation of Gaza is slowly transforming into widespread genocide.

The ICJ agreed with the perspective of the South African petition and has since directed Israel to observe the rules of engagement while also limiting deaths to the barest minimum. Also, at the very least, the ICJ directs that Israeli forces should allow Palestinians still in Gaza to receive humanitarian aid. 

According to a statement by one of the US signatories, who has 25 years of public service, the letter is a form of dissent. According to the official, the inspiration for the letter is their governments’ indifference to responding to their concerns and opinions about the Gaza crisis. 

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The US official also mentioned that the signatories were glad with the ICJ’s stance on the issue. It is encouraging that an international organization is lending its voice to their perspective. Unfortunately, Israel keeps denying all accusations of genocide. 

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Even if the opinion of the 800 European and US officials ends up like a feather in the wind, they would have succeeded in coming together in calling their respective governments to account. According to these officials, their countries did not have to participate actively to qualify as complicit in the war crimes being committed in Gaza.

So far, they are enacting policies and backing the stance of the US, which actively supports the Israeli campaign. They are equally accountable for the innocent souls daily losing their lives in Gaza. 

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However, the public letter does not make the individual signatories public, as no list of names is attached. The letter simply states that its compilation was coordinated by civil servants in the European Union institutions. Likewise, it further speaks of endorsements by civil servants in Finland, Denmark, Belgium, the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and France. 

ALSO READ: New York Times Faces Backlash for Publishing Guest Essay by Gaza City Mayor

Another US official who spoke with CNN said the low turnout of just 80 signatories from the United States indicates the lax protection for dissenting officials in his country. According to him, many US officials avoided authorizing the public letter despite their agreement with its content.

Basically, the US official suggests that European governments provide job protection for their officials, even in the face of dissent. A probable reason why they had a more impressive turnout on the public letter. 

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