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HomeGeneralWhat Does President Biden’s Federal Pardon on Marijuana Use Nationwide Mean?

What Does President Biden’s Federal Pardon on Marijuana Use Nationwide Mean?

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President Joe Biden strikes again!

But this time, his move is a great one that Americans will surely remember him for. Very recently, Biden issued a federal pardon to every American who has used marijuana in the past.

This also covers those whom the cops did not arrest or prosecute. The sweeping pardon applies to all U.S. citizens. This includes lawful permanent residents who use marijuana for personal use and those convicted of similar federal crimes. 

It also forgives cannabis users in the District of Columbia. However, it does not apply to individuals jailed for selling the substance. This is illegal under federal law or other offenses, such as driving under the influence of an illicit substance.

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The implication of Biden’s pardon promises to have a significant impact. Notably, criminal records for marijuana use and possession hampers employment, housing, and educational opportunities.

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However, the pardons do not apply to people who violate state law, and anyone who wants to receive proof of a pardon will have to apply through the Department of Justice. Biden issued a similar pardon last year and promised future reforms.

This year’s proclamation went further, forgiving all instances of simple marijuana use or possession under federal law. It also expands Biden’s previous directive to include minor marijuana offenses committed on federal property.

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The White House says thousands of people with federal and district convictions will be eligible for the pardons, which Biden announced three days before the Christmas holiday. In a statement, Biden said Americans should not go to prison solely for using or possessing marijuana. He urged governors to forgive state offenses.

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“Criminal records for marijuana use and possession have imposed needless barriers to employment, housing, and educational opportunities. Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana. It’s time that we right these wrongs,” Biden said.

Biden also pardoned the sentences of 11 people. He said they are “serving disproportionately long sentences for nonviolent drug offenses.” He also believes that they would receive lesser sentences today.

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The Congressional Black Caucus said the pardons are a “positive step forward in addressing long-standing racial disparities in crack and powder cocaine sentencing, which, for generations, has disproportionately imprisoned Black Americans.”

“It is our hope that clemency be granted to more Black Americans who have been criminalized by the decades-old policies of the War on Drugs era,” the group said.

The American Civil Liberties Union’s Cynthia W. Roseberry, director of the organization’s Justice Division, said in a statement that Biden’s actions “send a strong message about the power of redemption” and will help to correct past injustices.

However, she said, Congress must change the law to prevent future Justice Department from revoking Biden’s directive not to pursue higher sentences for crack offenses. Marijuana users who want to take part in Biden’s program will have to follow an application process.

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The certificate confirms they are no longer felons under the president’s broader order if they provide proof of clemency for employment or housing applications.

Biden’s proclamation states that the attorney general “shall review all properly submitted applications for certificates of pardon and shall issue such certificates of pardon to eligible applicants in due course.”

The Biden administration recommended that the DEA reschedule marijuana use to a lower offense earlier this year.

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