Netflix has just canceled five TV shows unceremoniously one week after the conclusion of the actors’ strikes.

Weeks of the Hollywood strikes have finally come to an end. With the strike end, networks and streaming services are forced to make difficult choices about the projects they are currently working on.
Networks had to make these difficult decisions since there were concerns over the financial fallout from the strikes. It was only normal to expect the premature cancellation of some projects because of increased expenses. As production had to be put on hold during the strike and demonstrations asking for fair pay for writers and performers.
Netflix recently took a risk by removing five series from its schedule. Shadow and Bone, a very successful television series with a huge fanbase, was not spared. This came after fans campaigned and pushed for a second season.
The second season of Shadow and Bone struggled to get momentum. Even after the previous season—based on Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse novels—was successful. With the show’s large budget, it is assumed that the struggle of Season two to gain the same momentum as season one had a role in Netflix’s decision.
Other canceled shows include animated shows like Agent Elvis and Captain Fall, Glamorous, and the science-fiction comedy Farzar.
Leigh Bardugo, the author of the book the movie was adapted from, posted a heartfelt statement on Instagram after learning about Shadow and Bone’s cancellation. She felt sad and disappointed.
She went on to say she felt grateful despite this setback. In the IG post, she said, “Most authors never get to see their work adapted. Many who do end up regretting the experience. I’m one of the very few who can look at an adaptation with pride and tremendous joy.”
However, fans have sharply attacked the move by Netflix to cancel the movie. They voiced their displeasure and posed insightful questions about the streaming service’s hidden agenda in ending the series.
Writer Hector Navarro advised fans to never, under any circumstances, allow themselves to fall in love with a Netflix TV show. According to him, Neftlix just kills them when they have the chance.
Another fan, LibertySpider, asked what’s the point of producing shows if they won’t see that they complete it.
@MhayYhusuf was disappointed and called the series “the best show on the platform.” @JPipo86 said: “Ah man, I was looking forward to a conclusion. Oh well.”
Shadow and Bone had various actors, including Ben Barnes, Jessie Mei Li, and Archie Renaux. While its future was unclear after the release of its second season earlier this year, fans begged Netflix to approve a third.
Just like Shadow and Bone, Netflix has canceled popular shows like Sense8 and Altered Carbon after their second season. Netflix continued to shock users when, earlier in the year, it failed to renew 1899 for a second season. The German-language thriller consistently ranked among the top ten shows, even though this happened.
After the announcement, a fan started a petition to convince Netflix to change its mind and approve a second season of the show. Nevertheless, the petition’s attempt to change the Netflix decision eventually failed.