Home General Zachary Faria Questions Brandon Johnson’s Knowledge of Illegal Immigration

Zachary Faria Questions Brandon Johnson’s Knowledge of Illegal Immigration

Source: Sandor Csudai/Shawangunk Journal
Cluster of migrants in a crowded shelter
Source: Sandor Csudai/Shawangunk Journal

Amid heated discussions about illegal immigration, Zachary Faria has raised some important questions about what Brandon Johnson knows about the issue. “Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is complaining that his city is being given no notice about when or how many illegal immigrants are arriving in his city.

This raises a pretty concerning question: Does Brandon Johnson know how illegal immigration works? Johnson is complaining that buses and planes from Texas bringing illegal immigrants to Chicago are arriving without warning.

Can you imagine illegal immigrants arriving in large numbers without city officials receiving any warning or being able to prepare to accommodate them? That would surely be frustrating.

Meanwhile, thousands of illegal immigrants arrive in Texas border towns every day with no warning. They don’t have reservations. They don’t announce their arrival. Many are trying to get in unseen and unaccounted for.

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Combine that with the sheer volume arriving on the border compared to the pathetic fraction Chicago is receiving, and the situation at the border is far worse than Chicago could even dream.”

She added, “And all of this is being encouraged by Johnson. He has declared Chicago a sanctuary city, an open invitation for illegal immigrants to flock to the city. To do that, they must cross into Texas, overwhelming border towns.

Chicago is encouraging illegal immigration, as is every other sanctuary city, and leading to millions crossing into Texas with no warning. So why is it so unfair that Texas is showing Chicago exactly what that looks like?”

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Faria is also of the opinion that “all of this whining from Johnson that Chicago is being burdened with unexpected arrivals and doesn’t have the resources to combat this problem is being done over a minuscule fraction of illegal immigrants that less wealthy Texas border towns are seeing every day.

Johnson is putting pressure on President Joe Biden because immigration is a federal problem, and Biden has failed on it in every way, but Johnson still refuses to stop encouraging illegal immigration and renounce Chicago’s “sanctuary” status. He is trying to have it both ways.

ALSO READ: “Enforce It and We’ll Sue!” Feds Warn Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on His New Immigration Law

Either Johnson should stop his whining and admit that becoming a sanctuary city and inviting illegal immigrants in was a mistake, or he should stop his whining and accept all the illegal immigrants he has invited. In either situation, he has no right to complain about anything because this is the policy that he and the Chicago Democrats have chosen.”

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