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New York Teacher Accused of Noose Display Claims She’s a Victim of Racial Discrimination

Source: @DailyMail/Twitter
A picture of the noose display
Source: @DailyMail/Twitter

A white New York teacher who was acquitted of involvement in a noose display is suing for damages. The teacher claims she faced racial discrimination despite being innocent. Social studies teacher Nancy Jones Doering was one of three suspended from Roosevelt Middle School, Long Island. 

In 2019, an image of a collage displayed in a classroom sparked outrage among the community and school district officials. The photo showed a pair of nooses under a caption: “Back to school necklaces.” Also, it had the words “Ha Ha,” “#YES,” and a smiley face.

Following the outrage, the school district blamed an “isolated group of teachers” for the display. Also, the district said it took “appropriate action.” The school district reportedly accused Jones Doering and two others of displaying the noose collage in the classroom. 

Also, they charged her with interfering with an investigation by removing the collage and placing it in her closet. According to the suit, the district accused her of bringing “negative attention to the school.” But Jones Doering insisted it was not her classroom. Also, she said she removed the collage after realizing it could be provocative.

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Following a hearing by New York State’s Teacher Tenure Unit, a Hearing Officer exonerated Jones Doering in October 2022. However, the district let the two others go, and they no longer teach at the school. Years later, Jones Doering filed a lawsuit against the school district, revealing herself to be one of the teachers accused. 

The lawsuit filed by Jones Doering claims that she has been subject to “discrimination and harassment” based on her race following the incident. Consequently, the teacher claims she has been “living in constant anxiety, stress and daily fear to herself and her family.”

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In addition, the lawsuit claims that people vandalized Jones Doering’s car. Also, someone wrote “racist comments” on a whiteboard, stating, “white supremacy is a hell of a drug. Jones Doering added that after returning to the school, they put her in an isolated office with no windows. 

Moreover, she said officials “stripped her of all her duties and responsibilities.” Also, she claimed that she never created, displayed, or assisted anyone in putting up the collage.”[The] Defendants were very much aware of that since they knew who created the collage,” the suit stated. 

“And who displayed it but maliciously and intentionally publicly made false statements about the Plaintiff.” Furthermore, the lawsuit alleged that various media outlets reported on the accusations. Hence, community members, such as “Reverend Mackey, publicly attacked, defamed, shamed and harassed” Jones Doering.

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Jones Doering’s suit accuses the school district, the Roosevelt Board of Education, and at least ten unidentified individuals of racial discrimination, retaliation, and promoting a hostile work environment. Also, it accuses them of intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent supervision, and defamation.

In addition, Jones Doering accuses them of “falsely portraying her as a racist teacher in a community of Black Americans.” Although the school district and school have yet to respond to her suit, Jones Doering demands a jury trial and various damages.

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