Home General More Tourists Found Dead in Greece Amid Devastating Heat Wave

More Tourists Found Dead in Greece Amid Devastating Heat Wave

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The island of Crete, Greece
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The first half of the year has been a tragic one for Greece as it has recorded several tourist deaths and disappearances. Another tourist was found dead recently after going missing during a hike on the island of Crete, and authorities suspect the tragedy can be linked to the devastating heatwave most of the country is enduring.

What Happened to the Tourist?

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The late tourist has been identified as a 67-year-old German man whose name has not been disclosed. He was visiting the island of Crete, and according to Constantina Dimoglidou, a police spokesperson, he reached out to his wife on Sunday afternoon with worrying news. She said he informed her he felt sick and had run out of water. He also said he was lost and unable to retrace his steps.

A Desperate Search 

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Once news of the man’s situation reached the Greek police and rescue services, they launched an immediate search to find him. Authorities traced his cell phone signal after he called his wife, but it was too late when they found him. His body was first spotted by a drone on Sunday evening. Still, it was not until Monday that a service team was able to send responders via helicopter to retrieve the body, and the process took several hours.

Where the Tourist Was Found

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The tourist’s body was found near the Tripiti Gorge in the southwest of Crete — an area locals have  deemed a “rugged and inaccessible terrain.” Hikers who brave the gorge usually have years of experience and a healthy dose of skill and courage. 

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The Latest in a String of Tourist Deaths

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Greek authorities have not revealed the late man’s name and his cause of death. His demise is the most recent in a string of deaths that have been recorded in Greece and its islands this summer, as at least ten tourists have either gone missing or lost their lives to the country’s ongoing heatwave.

Unrelenting Heat Waves

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Many countries are suffering from extreme weather, but Greece is having a particularly difficult time handling it. It has had to deal with consistent heat waves throughout much of its regions, pushing temperatures to hit over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and staying that way for several days. The heat waves also arrived earlier than they usually do, affecting both locals and tourists in dangerous ways.

Hiking Deaths Have Gone Up

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According to authorities, most of the latest tourist deaths in Greece happened on hikes or during sightseeing. In Crete, there have been four deaths this year, including this most recent tragedy. Those who lost their lives this summer include an 80-year-old Belgian man, a 70-year-old Dutchman, and a 70-year-old Frenchwoman, and they all died while on hiking trips.

Other Tragedies Around Greece

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Other areas around Greece that have also seen tourists dying from excessive weather include the Island of Samos, where a 74-year-old Dutchman hiker’s body was found, and the Island of Symi, where Michael Mosley, a well-known British journalist and documentarian, was found dead. 

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Many Tourists Are Yet To Be Found

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Tragedy is one thing, but a missing tourist is another, and many visitors like that have gone missing after taking hikes or walks while vacationing in Greece this summer. While authorities are still searching for them, the odds of finding them worsen every passing day because of accelerated decomposition in the extreme heat. As it stands, there are at least three missing tourists, including a 59-year-old man on the island of Amorgos and two Frenchwomen, aged 73 and 64, on the island of Sikinos.

New Developments in Greece

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It is not unheard of for tourists to stray off trails while hiking in Greece. Some have lost their way in the past but did not always turn up dead. This year has been different because of the extreme temperatures, and many tourists have been found dead. 

Wildfires Are Not Helping Matters

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The weather condition in Greece is already bad enough, but it’s been made even worse by ongoing wildfires rampaging in various parts of the country. Fire services are trying to douse the flames, but they haven’t succeeded yet. It has contributed to the extreme heat experienced in some areas.

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A Safety Plea 

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Amid the recent tourist deaths — particularly among elderly visitors — officials have issued a public warning, urging many to stay indoors as the country continues to struggle with extreme heat. Visitors are still allowed to hike and visit historic sites around the country and islands but are advised to be more cautious. 

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