Home Entertainment Is Selena Gomez Pregnant?

Is Selena Gomez Pregnant?


Selena Gomez is one of the beloved Disney teen stars who have outgrown their Disney shell but remain famous and relevant in the entertainment industry. As an actress, Gomez has several credits to her name, and on social media, she is one of the most followed human beings on Earth.

She maintains the position because of her stunning beauty and dedication to her work. Unfortunately, given how popular she is, rumors about her abound on the streets of the internet. Recent ones suggest that some people are curious about Gomez’s maternity status. 

“Is Selena Gomez pregnant?” some netizens have asked. Keep reading to find out the truth. 

Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez. (Source: Pinterest)

Is Selena Gomez Pregnant? 

No, Selena Gomez is not currently pregnant. While she has been sexually active with men throughout her adult life, the talented lady has never reported getting pregnant. 

Of course, this is not to say that Gomez does not want a child of her own. The “Wizards Of Waverly Place” alum has been very candid in the past about how she feels about having kids, and the desire is undoubtedly present. 

Unfortunately, it may not be possible for her. 

Why Selena Gomez May Never Be Pregnant

Selena Gomez revealed in 2020 that she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. To live with the diagnosis and the condition, Gomez was put on two pills that would affect her life drastically. 

The actress loves kids and would love to have one of hers someday. Unfortunately, she may never get to carry her baby because of the drugs she has been taking to treat her disorder.

In a Rolling Stone interview from 2020, Gomez revealed the tragic news to her fans. During the interview, Gomez said that she had visited a friend attempting to get pregnant and had inadvertently discovered that the two pills she takes to manage her bipolar disorder could hinder childbirth in the future.

It was a shocker to the pop star, who said she broke down in tears after she found out. Of course, the drugs don’t mean she is barren; they make it extremely hard for her to conceive and deal with pregnancy. The news saddened her fans, many of whom know how great Gomez could be as a mother. 

Selena Gomez. (Source: Pinterest)

Bipolar Disorder Is Not the Only Challenge She Faces

While the effect of her bipolar drugs is a clear obstacle to her getting pregnant, it is not the only one. Even without the impact of the medication, Selena Gomez has always had a lesser chance of being able to carry a child to term. 

She has lupus, a rare and chronic autoimmune disease that can affect many body parts. Gomez made the revelation to her fans in 2015. 

Due to complications from the disease, she had a kidney transplant in 2017. Since her diagnosis, Gomez has been candid about her struggles with depression and anxiety. It all made better sense when she confessed later in 2020 that she had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. 

Details about her ordeal with mental health and her struggle with fame were discussed in the documentary “Selena Gomez: My Mind and Me” (2022). It showed parts of Gomez that drew her closer to her fans and revealed how she has been dealing with her challenges. 

Does Selena Gomez Have a Health Condition? 

Yes, Gomez suffers from an autoimmune illness known as lupus. It is a severe illness that has further dashed her hopes of carrying a baby. 

Selena Gomez (Source: Pinterest)

Can Selena Gomez Conceive a Baby?

It is believed that Selena Gomez is unfit to conceive a child at this time. This is because of her lupus and complications caused by the drugs she takes to handle her bipolar disorder. 

What Does Lupus Do? 

Lupus occurs when the immune system, which usually aids in protecting the body from illness, starts attacking its tissues. Such an attack leads to inflammation and, in some cases, permanent tissue damage, with far-reaching effects – affecting the skin, joints, heart, lungs, kidneys, circulating blood cells, and brain.

Aside from Gomez, other stars who struggle with lupus include Nick Cannon, Toni Braxton, and Lady Gaga. 

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