During a recent interview, popular former Secretary of State and ex-presidential candidate Hilary Clinton put Tucker Carlson on full blast. This came after the ex-Fox News host teased an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Clinton likened Carlson to a “puppy dog” on live television, to the surprise of many.
Her remarks came in response to a question that MSNBC host Alex Wagner asked her. Wagner asked what she thinks about Carlson’s upcoming interview and what it says about him, Putin, and right-wing media. “Well, it shows me what I think we’ve all known,” Clinton responded sharply.
“He’s what is called a ‘useful idiot.’ I mean, if you actually read translations of what’s being said on Russian media, they make fun of him. I mean, he’s like a puppy dog. You know, somehow, after having been fired from so many outlets and the United States, he– I would not be surprised if he emerges with a contract with a Russian outlet because he is a useful idiot.”
Clinton continued, lamenting about Carlson’s constantly pushing falsehoods and “pack of lies about Ukraine.” She also talked about Putin’s acceptance of the interview. According to her, he could use Carlson’s platform to lie further about his goals in Ukraine.
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It is not news that Carlson is one of the most vocal critics of the U.S. military aid to Ukraine since their invasion started in 2022. Many tag him as a right-wing media personality as he constantly promotes conspiracy theories about Ukraine. These includes talk of Ukraine building bioweapons to use against Russia.
Carlson also disregarded Putin’s track record of authoritarianism. Instead, he constantly paints Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a “dictator.” Therefore, he gained a lot of popularity for his controversial takes.
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Clinton believes the interview is “really quite sad” as it is a sign that some Americans at this moment “are like a fifth column from Vladimir Putin.” She also thinks some people will believe everything they hear in that interview without understanding the truth.
“There is a yearning for leaders who can kill and imprison their opponents, destroy the press, lead a life that is one of impunity and bound by any laws,” she added. “There’s a yearning among certain people in our country for that kind of leadership. And I find that absolutely gobsmacking terrifying.”
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Carlson is one of the few media personalities who sides with Putin, no matter the context. Sometimes, people speculate that he is on Putin’s payroll. However, some just believe that he is doing these controversial things for publicity.
In hindsight, people may not always like what he has to say, but one thing is sure: they keep tuning in. His reach is nationwide, and he has people who hang on to his every word. Therefore, this way of false reporting irks Clinton and discredits honest journalism.
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