In an effort to recognize California’s inventions, the state governor is asking for public opinion on the design of a new $1 coin. California governor Gavin Newsom asked the state citizens to drop their opinion regarding state currency design on X. Although the replies were predictable, the governor might have expected a more positive reply.
Rather than celebrating the state’s accomplishments, the citizens’ response focused more on highlighting the state’s problems. Several of the designs that he received in the comments area portrayed unfavorable characteristics of California. He was criticized for neglecting key state issues.
Typically, when we think of California’s creativity, we focus more on Silicon Valley, its technological breakthroughs, and its attempts to save nature. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in homelessness, violence, and the cost of living. Another issue has been the increase in businesses leaving the state.
Critics have accused Newsom and the state assembly of mismanaging California’s $73 billion budget deficits via excessive spending.
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Seemingly sidestepping these urgent problems, Newsom used social media to gather suggestions for the new $1 coin for the state. But instead of highlighting California’s accomplishments, recommendations that mirrored the state’s difficulties proliferated in the comments.
A comment drew attention to the state’s homelessness problem and mocked Newsom for creating a stupid way to waste money. The design ideas for the coin included images of flames and homeless camps, signifying the severity of the problem.
Furthermore, a user proposed honoring Hollywood by adding Harvey Weinstein’s picture to the coin design. One commenter called the coin out of touch and absurd, requesting that Newsom seek counsel from Governor Ron DeSantis.
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Some designs draw attention to the recurring concerns in San Francisco, such as the abundance of human waste on the streets. Furthermore, the designers weren’t afraid to emphasize the high cost of gasoline in California and the large number of citizens leaving.
A user submitted a coin parodying Xi Jinping, Joe Biden, Newsom, and San Francisco’s preparations for the Chinese leader’s visit. However, the concept of letting the public design a coin may seem interesting; using social media is a sure way to invite trouble.
Critics have said that Newsom has prioritized advancing his brand and participating in national campaigns above the urgent issues confronting California. Additionally, with the state’s ongoing problems, Newsom has alienated residents by requesting feedback on a coin design. The public’s reaction to Newsom’s call for coin concepts shows a growing dissatisfaction with his policies.
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Public ideas on coin design highlight disparities between Governor Newsom’s goals and California’s issues, such as budget deficits, spending, and regional neglect. Despite unresolved issues, seeking feedback on currency design may alienate voters and neglect urgent problems.
It would be interesting to observe how Newsom reacts to public criticism and whether he decides to refocus on solving California’s urgent problems.
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