Home News California Admits Failure in Its Pursuit of Renewable Green Energy

California Admits Failure in Its Pursuit of Renewable Green Energy

Source: Tracey Adams/Great Norwegian Lexicon

In recent developments, California is retracing its steps regarding the stance to shut down its nuclear and gas power plants. Citing climate change concerns, Gov. Gavin Newsom and his cabinet of democrats rolled out a plan to massively invest in renewable energy sources. 

A close landscape shot of the two nuclear reactor buildings
Source: Tracey Adams/Great Norwegian Lexicon

These goals of sustainable energy sources are indeed plausible. However, Newsom seems to have received a wake-up call. The timeframe of running California on solely renewable energy sources is unrealistic.

The state has been worse off ever since it started taking steps to phase out non-renewable power plants in the state. For example, the governor has come under fire for recurrent power failure issues.

So, in a major recalibration of policy, regulators in California signed an energy pact last week. In 2016, as part of the green energy drive, California Democrats projected to shut down the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.

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This team estimated that by 2025, the state grid would run on strictly renewable energy sources. So, the plan was to shut down the Diablo Canyon plant by then.

However, the recent energy pact by energy regulators is to extend the operation of the nuclear power plant to 2030. The body managing power distribution estimates that Diablo Canyon supplies approximately 9% of the state’s electricity.

Likewise, natural gas makes up around 47% of California’s electricity supply in 2022. Meanwhile, wind and solar sources, which the state was planning to adopt fully, supply just 26% of the state’s electricity.

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So, instead of tidying up plans to shut down the natural gas and nuclear facilities, Gov. Newsom is looking to expand. Yes, the governor has been heavily criticized for occasional blackouts. So, he is looking to expand the Aliso Canyon gas storage facility. 

At the moment, Newsom is lingering between one of two evils. One is backlash from the pro-green energy consortiums for expanding the operation of nuclear and gas plants. Second, is the deriding headlines that trail the state’s inability to provide a steady power supply. 

In all, we can assume, from the admission of California Democrats, that depending strictly on green energy is not feasible. At least, not for many years to come. While it is a good idea and in the best interest of residents to strive for zero carbon emission, California is just not ready for such adventurous policies.

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By implication, California Democrats are becoming less vocal in their campaign for green energy generation. Yes, they can try to continue ramping up the capacity of solar and wind turbines. But, the technologies are not close enough to sustaining total dependence on those green energy sources.

However, under the umbrella of the Environmental Working Group, some activists insist that the governor follow through with the initial plan to shut down Diablo Canon.

In a recent statement, the president of the non-profit said, “This ill-conceived decision will further escalate financial strain on California ratepayers and extend the threat of a catastrophe at Diablo Canyon.” President Ken Cook believes the wind and solar sources already exceed the generation capacity of Diablo Canyon. So, agitate that the nuclear plant be immediately shut down.

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