Home News Anti-Taliban Resistance Leader Sends Chilling Warning to the US

Anti-Taliban Resistance Leader Sends Chilling Warning to the US

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Taliban Warning to the US
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Ahmad Massoud, the head of the anti-Taliban opposition group in Afghanistan, has sent out a terrifying caution, saying it’s a question of when not if there would be another terrorist assault on the United States. He stated that fanatics may very likely attempt to attack America or Europe at this point since violent extremism is propagating in the void left by the United States withdrawal in Aug 2021.

Ahmad, the son of the late resistance commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, frequently referred to as the Lion of Panjshir, was killed 2 days before the attacks of September 11. by Al Qaeda. The last straw for him as he pursues his father’s quest is the exit by Pres. Joe Biden’s government from his nation. 

He has been working for years to prevent this, but the bloody and hasty departure brought about the terrible, extreme Muslims who are reversing the course of history and throwing his nation backward.

With a bachelor’s degree in war science from King’s College, London, Ahmad now issues a caution to the international body and American soldiers that have departed Afghanistan: ignore it at your own risk.

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In the 2 years and 6 months following the mayhem at Kabul International Airport, terrorist operations and enlisting, according to the leader of the National Opposition Movement of Afghanistan, have surged to unprecedented levels.

To DailyMail, he said, a strike on States or E.U. territory is now absolutely conceivable. The question is not whether it will happen but rather when. According to Ahmad, there is still the same intense antagonism among terrorist groups as there was in the years leading up to the attacks of September 11.

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Ahead of the publication of his story, In the Name of my Father- Fighting for Freedom in Afghanistan, he stated in an interview with news media that his countrymen felt helpless and forsaken. They are on their own against an oppressive dictatorship that is relentlessly depriving people of their fundamental freedom.

He claims that the Afghan people now view the Europeans as liars. The populace is now under the control of authorities that have outlawed girls from accessing education, thanks to international organizations that have devoted years to speaking on the importance of freedom. 

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In the months that followed their rise to authority, they raped and tormented the women who dared to oppose their mistreatment. All that’s left of Ahmad is his resistance, and he calls for assistance. He thinks the U.S. President should reconsider his approach to Afghanistan because it might have far-reaching effects.

His developing issues with the credibility of Taliban governance started with the reconciliation agreement that the former U.S. President Trump government signed in February 2020. He cautioned the United States that if constraints on the Taliban weren’t put in place, there would be disastrous consequences as the pullout date in August 2021 drew near. 

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