Home News Ana Navarro Takes Bold Stance Against Abortion Ban on “The View”

Ana Navarro Takes Bold Stance Against Abortion Ban on “The View”

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Ana Navarro
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The all-female panelists of ABC’s “The View” always speak on some of the most relevant issues of society. While some of them, like Whoopi Goldberg, are very outspoken, some panelists, like Sara Haines, are more reserved and rarely make the news.

However, in a recent airing, Haines was involved in a tense moment with co-host Ana Navarro. During the first Hot Topic segment of the day, the ladies talked about reproductive rights and the recent abortion ban.

They were discussing a judge’s decision to allow a 31-year-old Kate Cox to have a legal abortion. The judge exempted the woman from the rule because the doctors told her that her fetus would not survive the pregnancy. In addition, if she continues the pregnancy, she might lose her life and her ability to have more children. 

ALSO READ: Texas Women Denied Abortion Take to the Supreme Court

Due to the severity of her condition, Cox had to take her case to court to seek a waiver to save her life legally. Thankfully, the court was compassionate enough to grant her a pass, signifying a little victory for pro-choice advocates.

However, Navarro was happy and outraged at the same time. She was glad they gave Cox the waiver but was pissed off that she even had to go all the way to court in the first place.

She expressed this by saying, “It is absolutely outrageous, offensive, ridiculous, unacceptable that a woman has to be going through the grief of losing her child — this woman wants this pregnancy. This woman’s baby has a chromosomal disorder, and the child will die.

And in the midst of having to make the decision, she’s got to go to the court to argue for the right to have an abortion. We’re in 2023. This is not Gilead. This is America; this is not pro-life. It’s pro-cruelty and pro-inhumanity.” 

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As the conversation progressed, Navarro also talked about how Republicans in Congress are looking to pass a federal abortion ban. However, Haines had a contrary opinion, stating they did not have the votes to do so. 

Navarro responded quickly, saying, “That’s what we used to say.” Haines stood her ground and repeated her statement as what she believed. According to her, there are not enough Republicans and votes that would allow a federal abortion ban to pass in Congress. Again, Navarro quickly responded to Haines with a blunt reality check. 

She said, “No, Sara. Wait, wait, wait a minute. That’s what we said for 50 years. We said they’re never going to overturn Roe v. Wade. And you know what? When they got the chance, they did. So when they tell you what they will do, believe them.”

ALSO READ: Texas Supreme Court Hears Case to Clarify State’s Abortion Ban

Since authorities passed the abortion ban earlier this year, several celebrities, NGOs, and women’s rights groups have also spoken up about the adverse effects of the ban. Cases like Cox’s happen all the time. Therefore, the ban causes a lot of harm to women and can lead to loss of lives. 

For people who don’t have the strength to fight for an exemption in court and those who are too ill to make a case, this ban condemns them to several health risks and possible death. 

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